Cardinal Battalion Ribbon Sorter

Check the box next to each ribbon you would like to have sorted. After clicking submit the Ribbon Sorter will show you how the ribbons should look on your uniform!

(Cadet Command)

Medal for Heroism

Awarded to any JROTC Cadet who performs an act of heroism

(Cadet Command)

Superior Cadet

Awarded to one outstanding JROTC Cadet in each LET level per school

N-1-1 (DJROTC)

Distinguished Cadet

Awarded annually to one HISD cadet exhibiting the highest degree of academic excellence

N-1-2 (SAI)

Academic Excellence

Awarded annually to one cadet in each LET level with the highest school academic grades

N-1-3 (SAI)

Academic Achievement

Awarded annually to those cadets who maintain an A in all subjects

N-1-4 (SAI)

Perfect Attendance

Awarded to cadets with no unexcused and no more than 3 excused absences during each semester

N-1-5 (SAI)

Student Government

Awarded annually to cadets elected to any student government office

N-1-6 (SAI)

LET Service

Awarded to cadets successfully completing the 1st semester/quarter of training each LET year

N-1-7 (DJROTC)

Superior Instructor

Awarded to Instructor qualified cadets who teach 3 classes in a satisfactory manner to the DJROTC

N-1-8 (SAI)


Awarded to LET 3/4 ‘s who teach 3 classes in a satisfactory manner to the SAI

N-1-9 (SAI)

Academic Merit

Awarded annually to cadets maintaining at least a B in all subjects

N-1-10 (SAI)

National Honor Society

Awarded annually to any cadet elected to the National Honor Society

N-3-1 (DJROTC)


Awarded annually to cadets exhibiting the highest degree leadership (Corps/ Brigade Staff)

N-3-2 (SAI)

Personal Appearance

Awarded each semester to cadets who consistently present an outstanding appearance in 5/6 weekly inspections

N-3-3 (SAI)


Awarded annually to 15% of cadets who demonstrate leadership, academic achievement, and performance

N-3-4 (SAI)

Drill Team

Awarded annually to active drill team members competing in at least one competition

N-3-5 (SAI)


Awarded annually to active members of the orienteering team competing in at least one competition

N-3-6 (SAI)

Color/Honor Guard

Awarded annually to active color guard or honor guard members competing in at least one competition

N-3-7 (SAI)

Rifle Team

Awarded annually to active rifle team members competing in at least one competition

N-3-8 (SAI)

Adventure Training

Awarded annually to active adventure team members competing in at least one competition

N-3-9 (SAI)


Awarded to any cadet whose performance exceeds that expected of a cadet of his/her grade

N-3-10 (SAI)

Good Conduct

Awarded annually to cadets who have demonstrated outstanding conduct throughout the year

N-3-11 (DJROTC)


Awarded annually to cadets who successfully complete the JROTC Summer Camp (JCLC)

N-3-12 (DJROTC)

Championship Drill Team

Awarded annually to the top three drill teams in HISD competitions or teams that place in national competitions

N-3-13 (DJROTC)

Championship Color Guard Team

Awarded annually to the top three color guards in HISD competitions or teams that place in national competitions

N-3-14 (DJROTC)

Championship Academic Team

Awarded annually to the top academic teams in HISD competitions or teams that place in national events

N-3-15 (DJROTC)

Championship Rifle Team

Awarded annually to the top 3 teams per category in HISD competitions or place in national competitions

N-2-1 (SAI)

Varsity Athletics

Awarded annually to cadets that excel in varsity sports

N-2-2 (SAI)

JROTC Physical Fitness

Awarded annually to cadets who score above 85% on all 5 fitness events

N-2-3 (SAI)

JROTC Athletics

Awarded annually to cadets who score above 50% on all 5 fitness events or compete in JROTC athletics

N-2-4 (DJROTC)

Championship PT

Awarded annually to the top three physical fitness teams in HISD competitions or teams that place in national events

N-2-5 (DJROTC)

Advanced Leadership Workshop

Awarded annually to cadets who attend the summer workshop

N-4-1 (SAI)


Awarded to cadets who participated in a parade as part of a JROTC unit

N-4-2 (SAI)


Awarded to cadets who recruit at least 2 students to JROTC

N-4-3 (SAI)


Awarded annually to any cadet who perform community or school service

N-4-4 (SAI)

Special Attendance

Awarded annually to cadets attending two out of three key district events

N-4-5 (DJROTC)

Best Drilled Squad/Platoon

Awarded annually to the top drilled squad/platoon in HISD/unit inspections or competitions

N-4-6 (SAI)

Service Learning

Awarded annually to participants in unit service learning projects

N-4-7 (SAI)

Excellent Staff Performance

Awarded annually to cadet staff officers for excellent performance

ribbon sorter by Herschel W. Michaels